Monday, March 19, 2012

Bath Time Terror

What do you do with a baby who is terrified of the bathtub?? I'm running out of tricks here and Bailey is not budging... Which is pretty typical for her personality. Lol.

I'm not really sure what went wrong. She was always content in the bath when she was tiny and she even liked it when she graduated into the duck tub (an inflatable tub that works well for when they want to sit up but can't quite sit well on their own).  Now she'll just stand there and cry and if you try to make her sit, she flips out and it results in her screaming hysterically.

I've tried everything to help her get over this fear... Heck, I've even gotten in the tub with her and she was equally as upset. I've questioned if her baths were too hot, too cold, etc.. I can't think of anything like that that would be a factor, though. She takes a bath with her sisters, too, so you would thinks she would want join in on their fun. I don't know.. I just don't get it. It's almost impossible to bathe a baby who is standing up screaming!!

Do any of you baby experts have any advice? This one has me perplexed. to say the least! Bath time used to be a time for me to "refuel" while they played. Back in the day, I used to read a magazine and sit still for a few minutes while they played... Things are just a tad bit different now. Lol


rccalyn said...

Ugh, that sounds awful. Can't avoid baths! We give all our kids "showers" now because one of them (I forget who) would just never sit down. So they stand and walk around the empty tub until it's their turn to get sprayed with the removeable shower head. No one is terrified like Bailey, but it makes it a quick event and the rest of the tub time is just fun naked time. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Ray went through a stage like this...I can't remember everything that we did, but I do remember that new toys seemed to help and keeping the bathroom door shut before and after bath. A lot of it for him was that the room itself was too cold - so we warmed it up for a while before his bath and kept everything cozy after it too. Also, another there any chance this is a strong willed kind of thing in that now that she can walk she does not want to be made to sit? John gets annoyed with me when I try to make him sit or lay down because he wants to move and isn't being allowed to....well, there are my 2 cents....not that you needed :)