Friday, November 4, 2011

All In A Week's Time

What a busy week!! Here's all that's gone on...

  • Bailey has started pulling up! She loves to pull up on the bottom stair and then she falls. It seems like a never ending game that we play all. day. long. It's fun though! She has yet to pull up in her crib and I'm thankful for that. She's also getting faster and faster at crawling and she's pretty much into everything. Life is crazy!
  • Bailey has tried a variety of different foods lately and oddly enough, she's not in love with much of anything besides sweet potatoes and PEAS. Yuck! I HATE peas so it's shocking that she loves them so much. I thought she would love fruits but she really hasn't liked apples or peaches very much. She still has no teeth so we're pretty much just sticking with purees for now.
  • Halloween was a load of fun! I got to be a classroom helper for Brooke's class and I had a blast. I loved seeing inside her little world and meeting her teachers and friends. I was very surprised to find that my introverted little girl is actually quite popular and a social butterfly. She is growing by leaps and bounds!
  • For Halloween costumes we had Brookie as an ice cream cone (with sprinkles!), Adrienne as a cheeseburger (It was hilarious!) and Bailey as a lady bug. I have lots of pictures up on Facebook but have yet to have to energy to put them on here. These things take time, ya know! The big girls went out Trick-or-Treating with John and his family while I stayed here and passed out candy with my little lady bug. We had 162 kids and it was a fun night!
  • John and I had an ENTIRE afternoon to ourselves on Tuesday. It was therapeutic, let me tell ya! John's mom took all three girls and Bailey did great. She drank milk out of a cup and ate some other foods that I packed for her. It was only for a few hours but it was so nice to be able to have a break. We got lots of Christmas shopping done and went to a nice lunch. Oh yes... And we had an uninterrupted conversation. Imagine that!
  • John's going to the Bill's game on Sunday!! I would love to be able to go with him but I obviously can't... So I'm just SUPER excited that he gets to take a day and do something for HIM, which he never does. He deserves it!
  • Everyone has been feeling better (knock on wood!) and sleeping well at night! That is, perhaps, the most exciting update of them all!
I think that about does it! Phew, it feels good to be caught up!

1 comment:

Hot Penny Stocks said...

Thanks for this awesome blog...