Saturday, September 11, 2010

So, Guess What!

After keeping my secret for nearly two months now, I am excited announce that we are expecting baby #3!! I'm almost 12 weeks along and headed for a due date of March 31 but the baby will be born a week or so early via ascheduled C-Section (BLEK for that mode of delivery!). This baby was a big surprise at first but we're getting excited and feeling blessed that the Lord had given us another baby to love on.

When I was pregnant with the girls I always told people that I was expecting after I had my first ultrasounds. This time around, however, I just felt so in shock that I couldn't even believe it was happening so I've kept it more private! Of course family and some friends have known but we waited until yesterday to officially break the news for the world to hear. I actually saw the baby's heartbeat on the 13Th of August so we've known for a while that things are looking good! On top of that, I've had some crazy food aversions and several weeks worth of being sick so we have felt fairly confident about this little munchkin.

We had a big scare yesterday when I went for a routine prenatal appointment... The doctor put the doppler on my belly and tried and tried and tried to find the heartbeat but just could not, even after like five minutes. My heart was racing, as well as my mind! I've never experienced that! The doctor quickly did an ultrasound, however, and we saw a beautiful little creature with a racing heart. So precious! He/she was moving around and it was so amazing to see life at such a young stage. I've never had a 12ish week ultrasound before so I was really impressed at how lifelike the baby looked... He/she has arms and legs now and you can distinguish that it's a baby, unlike the 8-week ultrasounds that I'm so used to.

I know everything will work out great and that we will never regret this baby coming into our lives. It's just scary when you aren't quite prepared for something of this magnitude! I know the girls will do great, as they are doing awesome with their new cousin, and Adrienne and the baby will be 23 months apart so that's almost perfect. Brooke and Adrienne were 27 months apart and that was ideal and I'm hoping this will go over just as smoothly.

I am convinced that we're having another girl. In fact, I'll be so shocked and question the ultrasound tech if they tell me it's a boy! I truly don't care about the baby's gender and would NOT be disappointed either way but I'm definitely thinking girl. If it's a boy we have the name Wesley John all set but for a girl we're still tossing up several names. I'm really pushing for Macie but will see if I get my way:-) I actually get quite offended when people assume that we'll be disappointed if this baby's a girl. What, because a gender is what makes someone so special? I think not!

So now that you're in on my little secret I can actually talk about life more often on here! It's been so hard... Not wanting to mention being tired or sick or going to an appointment. It's all out in the open now so that's good!


Anonymous said...


I say your having a boy :)

rccalyn said...

Yay for no more secrets :-) I didn't realize your age gaps would be so similar. Arianna and Roman will be 22 months apart, Marissa and Arianna were 34 months - almost 3 years! I wanted a smaller gap between M and A, but after 2 miscarriages, I obviously wasn't in charge of the planning anymore! Ha!

I think it's a boy too. Seems like the genders sprout up in phases and it seems like a boy phase is happening lately. Three girls would be so cute too though. When will you find out?

Unknown said...

So exciting!

Tiff said...

I think a belly picture is in order!

*~tRiStYn MiChElLe~* said...

Yay! I was waiting for you to share! :) Im so excited for you!!! I have to tell you that my aunt lisa has three girls and their names are olivia, BROOKE and MACIE! Isnt that too funny? I love the names :) Boy or girl they will be so lucky to have you guys!!! miss you!!!!!!

Simply Complicated said...

Congratulations! So excited to hear your good news :-)