We took the girls to the pumpkin farm on Thursday and had the best day! We just enjoyed feeding the animals and picking out our pumpkins. We told the girls they could get whatever they wanted and Brooke picked out a small pumpkin while Adrienne went over to a 20 pound pumpkin and attempted to pick it up. She was SO mad that it wouldn't budge. Hilarious! We came home and put the girls down for their naps while I ran out to an allergist appointment (more on that in a minute). John and the girls made a homemade lasagna while I was gone so I even came home to dinner! It was John's fist attempt at lasagna (as I do all the cooking) but he followed my directions and made a WONDERFUL dinner. What a man! After we ate, we carved our big family pumpkin, made caramel apples, roasted pumpkin seeds, and watched a pumpkin movie. It was the PERFECT night as a family! I'm a little bummed, though, because I can't find my camera cord to upload my pictures so I haven't been able to do that yet. My brother-in-law stopped by while we were doing our pumpkins and sent me some pictures of that part so I can at least post a few of those..
In other exciting news (to me!)... After 12 years at the same allergist, I made the switch to a new doctor. I am THRILLED because I seriously think he's going to make me feel human again. Asthma and allergies are severely interrupting my life and I'm just so fed up. I'm on 10 daily medications, 2 allergy shots a week, and I still am up all night not being able to breathe and just altogether feeling like garbage. He said that that's just not normal, which my other doctor never told me, and the technology in his office was incredible. He wants to do a CAT scan of my sinuses, among other things, and he changed up some of my medicines. I'm also going to be starting a new round of shots. He also did a test of my airways and discovered that out of like 2.75%, my airways are functioning at .56%, meaning that I have really small airways so I have to work that much harder to breathe. I knew it wasn't in my head! I've had asthma forever and I'm just learning this! He said he can treat me much better with that knowledge. So yeah, it sounds silly, but I feel like I'm getting my life. What a BIG deal!
On Friday I had my 15 week appointment and I heard the precious baby's heartbeat. It never, ever gets old:-) We have our big ultrasound on the 12Th of November and I'm EXTREMELY excited! I can't wait to have an identity for this baby so we can start planning better. I'm telling you all, though, it's a girl. I don't doubt it. Maybe I'll be wrong and get a boy? I win either way!
Today I went to New Jersey with my sister for the day. Her sister-in-law was having a baby shower and she was just going to drive up and back by herself but I made arrangements to keep her company. We have 4 kids in between the 2 of us (almost 6, in a few months) so even being in the car for that long was enjoyable because we could actually talk and listen to good music. It was a long day and of course I missed my family but it was very refreshing to get out with her and be able to spend quality time with her! It's rare that we have times like that so it really was a great day. John was amazing and held the fort down here and I came home to 2 gorgeous, happy, and CLEAN girls, along with a spotless house. It was wonderful!
Alright, here are a few pictures to leave with. Enjoy!
1 comment:
wow you have been busy!I missed out on a lot,CONGRATULATIONS on the baby, how exciting,I hope its a boy.It took me 3 girls before I had my boy then we were done!
Can't wait for the ultrasound!
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