Wow, it's been over a week since I was on here last. I really hate that! Playing the piano and writing are my two "releases" and seeing as how I don't have a piano you would think I would write more! I guess not.
Nothing too exciting has been going on around here... Just the typical everyday stuff. That's what I love though! My sweet Adrienne is quickly growing into a toddler, leaving so much of her babyhood behind in a flash, and my precious Brookie makes me smile constantly with her silly inquiries and comments. Both girls are really at fun stages right now! And of course, the little girl in my belly is a non-stop kicker and she makes her presence known all the time. It's the best:-)
I have had now had a week to let it soak in that I will be a mother to THREE daughters. WOW! At first it seemed kind of like a dream or a fairytale and almost like it would never come to fruition. It's starting to feel more and more real with each passing day though. I'm SO excited! This will be our last baby (despite many people assuming we'll "try for that boy") and I'm excited to feel that sense of completion once Bailey arrives. I feel very, very lucky to be able to raise three little girls and help them grow into the women they'll need to be. It's a great responsibility and a huge honor.
John and I will, once again, be hosting Thanksgiving for his side of the family this year. I'm pretty sure that our headcount is close to 30 right now. I think I mentioned that a few weeks ago but it's impossible to not mention it again. Lol. We bought our big 25 pound turkey and all of the soda that we'll need so that's definitely a start! Last year I found our turkey frozen the night before Thanksgiving, despite letting it thaw for the suggested 4 days, so this year I decided I would give it WAY more time. I'll be thrilled to kick it out of my fridge come Thursday though! It's just taking up way too much space. I'm really, really excited about cooking again this year. I've got the whole system down to a fine art and I know just how much food we'll need and in what order to prepare things. It's a blast! I'm especially excited because John will be off on Wednesday and Thursday so it's going to be absolutely wonderful. He's a huge help:-)
That's about all there is to update ya on! Now I'm off to send John to work... 2 hours early:-( If only they would pay him to NOT work overtime. Haha
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