Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reflux, Take 2

I am so frustrated right now that I could cry! When Brooke was a baby, she had reflux and it was horrible. We couldn't keep her clean because she would spew ALL THE TIME. The thing about Brooke, however, is that the reflux never really bothered her and it didn't seem to cause her too much pain. Adrienne, on the other hand is a different story. She doesn't spit up as much as Brooke did... Instead she throws up massive amounts fluids every so often. She also screams during and after feedings and is extremely irritable. She was up screaming and refusing to eat for almost 3 hours last night:-( I'm FRIED.

Thankfully Adrienne had her two week check-up today so the doctor could give me some guidance. He said that from her symptoms and behavior that is seems like she has heartburn, which is a painful component of reflux. We're going to try a medication called Axid, which will help relieve the burning. I'm hoping that this creates a more content baby. I hate medicating such a small baby but if it's going to help her eat better and not feel the burn of acid reflux, then I'm going to give it a shot. Anything is worth trying at this point.

The doctor told me that sometimes babies have a hard time digesting the proteins in their mother's milk. When we were having issues with Brooke, I was advised to eliminate dairy, beef, soy, nuts, etc.. from my diet, in hopes that my milk would be soften on her belly. I didn't find much of a difference in Brooke when I basically starved myself, so when the doctor suggested that I cut back a little on some of these foods, I was a tad bit frustrated. He said not to go overboard, but to try to eat natural foods as much as possible and to eliminate complex proteins when possible. It really bothers me that I make my babies throw up:-( If breast milk is the very best thing for them, why is it such a struggle? Ugh. I could cry...

Alrighty, I'm off to catch a quick nap when I can. It won't last long so I'll make sure I savor it!


rccalyn said...

Aww poor girl! And poor you! I hope that medication helps! There were a few weeks with Arianna that I thought we were going to have to give her something (freakish hysterical crying fits!), and I was very nervous about it! It finally died down, and completely stopped though. I was laughing at your Facebook status and the comments about breastfeeding - have you heard about the men who supposedly can breastfeed? Creepy, but what I wouldn't give for a little breastfeeding help sometimes! Ha!

*~tRiStYn MiChElLe~* said...

you KNOW that I can totally feel your pain on this subject! I have often thought the same thing...If I'm doing the best thing for my baby then #1 why is it so frustrating and #2 why is it making their stomachs upset!?! fortunately it does get better with time...sorry you're having a rough time :0(

Tiff said...

Oh no!! I remember you telling me that you were really hoping she didn't have reflux too. I hope the medicine helps her and that you're able to get some rest!