A year ago from today you made your grand appearance and graced our family with your precious life. We initially admired you for your beauty and nobody could believe how very much you resembled your daddy. However, as the days have gone by, we have grown to admire you, also, for your content and silly nature. Everything about you fills our home with pure joy.
You, my daughter, have been the most easy going baby. Everything from eating to sleeping and all the other things in between have been effortless for you. When you were just two weeks old you started sleeping through the night and you have consistently done that up until now (Knock on wood). I can name about 3 nights in your entire life where you were up a lot but you were sick then. You are just not particular about anything, either. You eat whatever we put in front of you (Except for ice cream of all things. Imagine that!), take whatever sippy cup happens to be clean, and play happily with others.
Lately you have been into everything and this kind of perplexes me. You have been such a "perfect" baby but now that you are mobile you leave no surface untouched! You love to climb anything and everything (especially the rocking chair in your toy room) and you continually empty cabinets, drawers, and closets of their contents. Whenever you're done, it seriously looks like "Hurricane Adrienne" struck! Now that you're walking more and more I can't help but wonder what trouble you'll find yourself in!
I am so thrilled because you and Brooke already have an undeniable bond. When she walks in a room you just squeal with delight. Brookie loves to help me care for your needs and she shares all of her toys with you without being asked (Most of the time). Each day I spend time watching the two of you together and I can't help but marvel over how much she cares for you and how much you already look up to her. Before you were born I used to wonder how Brooke would adjust to you in our home but you were the best thing that ever happened to her!
I love your 7 little teeth and your funky dark hair (that refuses to grow in on the top). I love how your smile seriously lights up an entire room. I love how you make me want to be a better person because you deserve the best mommy. I love how you inspire me to love Jesus more because I want you to see Him through me. I love how your spunk and silliness have created so much laughter in our home. Basically, princess, I just love YOU!
I am so incredible thankful that God picked ME to be your Mommy! I can't wait for the years ahead so I can teach you all about being a woman. I feel so blessed when I think of all of the amazing things that I will be able to walk you through as your Mama.
Thanks for lighting up my entire world. Your Mommy is SO in love with you!
With All My Heart,
Mommy and Adrienne before leaving the hospital
All ready to head home in her pretty new dress
My girl and me at dinner tonight
The birthday girl being a total ham
what a sweet post and I love the pictures,you are the best mommy!
aww Happy Birthday! Such CUTE photos!!!
What a sweetie! How is it possible that she is already a year old? We love her so much.
Happy Birthday, sweet Adrienne!
what a fantastic tribute to your daughter. so sweet!
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