Monday, May 24, 2010

Miracle Worker

Today was a VERY difficult day with the girls. They spent the entire day either fighting or whining. On top of all of that, Brooke was extremely disobedient and I can't even tell you how many times she was disciplined for her attitude. They are usually awesome but today was just a completely different story. By nap time I was totally spent and extremely eager for a break from it all. I needed to work out but I mowed the lawn instead (I figure pushing a lawn mower for an hour is great exercise!) and it felt wonderful. I got a shower and felt refreshed, ready to conquer the rest of the day, but then the girls quickly woke up and the issues started all over again. :-(

I was feeling really frustrated and worn out by the girls.. I'm not going to lie! Before I knew it, however, John woke up and seriously fixed everything. I'm not sure what it is about that man's presence but for starters, it calms me down but also, it causes grumpy, fighting girls to turn into little angels pretty quickly. What does this man do that I'm not doing??? Lol

Whenever I start to doubt myself as a mom or feel like being a parent is impossible, John just steps right in and reassures me. A simple hug from him or a hand with the girls is all it takes to turn my attitude around. I am SO thankful that God gave me a man that gets me. He makes our home so much more lighthearted and laid back than I do! What an amazing man:-)

I'm happy to report that the night actually shaped up pretty well. We still had some issues with the girls but because John was there to help me, they quickly passed. He is truly my hero. What in the universe would I do without him?


rccalyn said...

I think it's something with dads...they don't usually spend as much time with the kids, so they're more patient with them, and the kids don't try to push all their buttons :-P

Marissa has been FULL of attitude lately, and it's shocking to me! I'm not ready for a teenager!

Anonymous said...

It must be in the water. Mine were barely tolerable today as well.

Dads have that effect over kids.. Hope tomorrow is better for ya!