My poor Brooke has Fifth Disease which is basically one big rash all over her. After talking to the doctor and doing some research, I have learned that once the rash comes that that's the end of the virus and it is no longer contagious at that point. This rash could go on for up to 5 weeks so I'm frustrated for Brooke! Poor girl! She was running a low grade fever yesterday, along with being grumpy and miserable, and today the rash broke out full force. Like I said, she's not contagious but I feel like people are looking at her and thinking that she'll contaminate them or something. The rash is mainly on her face at this point so it's hard to miss.
My heart was breaking today because we were talking about her rash and not really thinking much about how she would feel and she started to act really hurt by it. Obviously at that point John and I stopped talking about it and went on and on about how beautiful she is. The doctor had told us that the heat from the sun or a hot bath would make the rash appear more and she said, "Did the doctor say that a nice warm bath would take this rash away?" Aw... It just broke my heart!
She just started to complain that her rashes were itching so the doctor told me to give her a half a dose of Benedryl. I was really anxious about that because of all of the past recalls on that stuff but both the doctor and the pharmacist reassured me. Not only that but I'm anxious about how it will impact her and make her feel tomorrow. I HATE how Benedryl makes me feel the next day. Ugh. We have to get up 2 hours earlier than usual for me to be at worship practice in the morning so I hope that we luck out and have a happy girl!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Adrienne doesn't get this but I'm assured by the fact that it's nothing life threatening or severe if she does. As for me, my mom's pretty sure that I had it as a baby so I should be immune. I'm thankful for that!
Fifths Disease SUCKS Hang in there I hope that tomorrow goes well
poor Brooke,hope it goes away quick.
I hate taking benadryl,wonder why they dont come up with a non drowsy one!!
sending good thoughts :)
brock just had hand, foot & mouth disease. the things kids get. urrgh.
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