Sunday, January 9, 2011

Frugal Living

John and I were getting ready for bed the other night and as he was taking out his contacts he said, "Hey babe, we're almost out of solution. Would you grab some this week?" Proud and happy, I opened up the linen closet and held up three bottles of stuff and asked him which he wanted (just because I could). Ah, it felt good! I have been on this coupon frenzy for over a year now and I absolutely love the thrill of getting household items for absolutely nothing or for as little as pennies. This is definitely evident by my insane stock pile of tooth brushes, tooth paste (14 tubes, to be exact), cleaning products, laundry detergent, make-up, shampoo, body washes, deodorants, Glade candles, razors, and of course, contact solution. I'm running out of room to put the stuff!

About a year ago I felt really convicted about our grocery spending and that I wasn't really doing much to help defray the costs. I used to just go to the grocery store and buy whatever sounded good but for a good while now, things have been really different. I am on a grocery budget that really helps me stay in check and I enjoy it. John gives me a lump sum in cash once a month and I love it that way because I try to do only one big trip once a month and then go every week for sale items, fruits, milk, and bread. It works out great! We use debit cards for everything else but I find that I keep a closer hold on my grocery money when it's given to me in cash.

On top of implementing a new budget, I clip coupons with the best of them and watch the sales guides like a hawk! Ya see, I have learned that if I can get most of the necessary household items for free then my grocery budget is that much more generous. I can afford steaks and the occasional treat of crab legs or shrimp because I've planned wisely. I'm not trying to make it seem like our budget is that meager, but really, we're spending a significantly lower amount than we were. That is definitely something to be proud of!

Just today I went to CVS and got about $65 worth of stuff for $4.32 with $3 back in Extra Care Bucks. Amongst the items purchased in that trip was a jumbo box of Huggies for Adrienne. Heck yeah! I get such a sense of pride being able to come home with all of these items without spending much at all. Many times I don't spend anything (thanks to Extra Care Bucks) but diapers aren't something that I can get 100% free.

Being a stay-at-home-mom, I feel like the only way I can "make up" for creating no income for our family is to save us money when I can. Clipping coupons and deal seeking take time but when you see the money start falling off your grocery bills, you'll get why I'm addicted. It's nice, though, because now that I have such an enormous stock pile, I can be more laid back and not get so worked up about catching every deal. I'll take a few weeks off here or there but the truth is, I could take a year or more off from supplying my stock pile and I wouldn't run out of anything. No joke! I would have DEFINITELY been prepared for Y2K! Lol


Simply Complicated said...

I love your comment about being a stay at home mom - that in a sense by "saving" money you're "making" money. I've explained it to people this way when I explain how I try to budget groceries and plan meals and take time to make stuff from scratch etc. It's a great sense of pride and accomplishment!!! :-)

Tiff said...

I think I really need to learn about this extra care bucks thing! I'm pretty sure there's a CVS in the area somewhere.

Unknown said...

Can you give me some tips, Jillian?? I would like to start saving more money - do you use websites or what do you do? What's the best way to save money on diapers/wipes? Can you email me some suggestions ( Thanks.

alexandria said...

I like that saving money actions that you are into. Saving money is very important because it will be a great weapon in times of problems.We need to save for future use. It’s a way to a simple living style