Thursday, July 30, 2009

Name that Baby

Adrienne wore one of Brooke's old dresses today and I'm amazed at how much they look alike. Here are some pictures for comparison:



Holy cow! Don't you notice a huge resemblance? I sure as heck do!

Adrienne had her two-month check-up today and she looks great, according to the doctor. She's a whopping 12 pounds, 10 ounces and is 23 3/4 inches long. What a big girl! She doesn't really look that chubby to me and she's not a huge eater, so I was pretty amazed by her weight. Not to mention, the kid is always puking. I guess she more than makes up for it!

Alrighty, off to enjoy my husband. I'm out!

1 comment:

rccalyn said...

I know I just said this on Facebook, but YES, they look very alike! And I hafta say, Adrienne does look chubby to me. But she's only 2oz more than Arianna was at 2 months, so she can't be chubby. Lol. I think it's just where babies keep the chub. Adrienne seems to have the cutest chubby cheeks :-)