My two daughter seem to be polar opposites of each other. The more and more I get to know Adrienne, I'm seeing that she differs from Brooke- as a baby AND now- in so many areas.
A few words to describe Brooke would be content, easy-going, independent, and mellow. As an infant, she was happiest when she was put in her bouncy seat or on her play mat and she actually fussed the most when I held her. She was a wonderful baby and she loved to nurse so much that she would fall asleep only minutes after latching on and we would take glorious, long naps together. I seriously think that her infant hood was a breeze and she was the most easy baby to take care of.
Then, there came Adrienne!! A few words to describe her would be feisty, particular, and fussy.. Or um, opinionated. Lol! I hate to say it, but generally speaking, if she's not sleeping, she's screaming. I love her to pieces and her more difficult temperament doesn't make her less special, it just makes her an individual! She is one of those babies that you cannot ever put down. She doesn't tolerate her swing or bouncy seat very well and occasionally, she'll be content on her play mat for a few minutes, but that's about it. This makes fixing dinner, getting ready in the mornings, and housework all seem like monumental tasks because I have to do them with either a screaming baby or with a baby in my arms. Adrienne is definitely a "squeaky wheel" right now, but again, that's okay. She doesn't nurse great still- She continues to pull off of the breast and scream while she nurses. My only saving grace is that she's actually a great sleeper at night. Thank God for that!!
I'll be honest, I love my life and I love staying home.. BUT, the days are long sometimes. I spend much of my day jugging activities and books and toys with Brooke while trying to keep Adrienne content. Each day is great and I always, always manage to get the job done, but when I think about tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or three months from now, I just get overwhelmed. One step at a time, right? Besides, it can only get easier from here (I hope)!
I feel like Adrienne and Molly are the same baby. She always has to be held too, and is really only happy for an hour when awake. You should really look into swings and wraps. They've been a life saver for Molly since she always wants to be held. Next time I'm home I'll bring over the moby for you to try out if you're interested.
I was going to suggest a sling or a wrap. They really helped me with Liam when I had to get things done.
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