Brooke has been absolutely hilarious lately! Sometimes she's so serious about things that she acts like a 13-year-old and other times she's just plain old goofy. Here's some funny stories for my "records:"
*We were in Michael's the other day and over the loudspeaker someone announced, "Adrienne to the front desk." Brooke looked at John and me and said, "Adrienne? That's not my baby!"
*John asked Brooke if he was her best friend and she said, "No, daddy. My mommy's my best friend."
*Brooke LOVES her baby dolls. She has so many of them but she "tends" to all of them them and treats them like real babies. It's so precious! She pretends to nurse them (LOL), swaddle them, change their diapers, etc... The other day she was pushing them in the stroller and she said, "I'm taking them to the hospital. I'm a good mommy to my babies!"
*In order for us to get on the highway from our house we have to pass a horse farm. If, heaven forbid, Brooke forgets to look at it when we drive by she says, "I forgot, mommy. I forgot to see the horses. Please go back." It's SUCH a pain when she forgets to look at the horses so I always draw a large amount of attention to them so it's impossible for her to forget.
*About 20 minutes after we put Brooke down for her nap yesterday we heard banging over and over again. We thought that maybe she had gotten out of bed or something so John went upstairs to check on her. As it turns out, Curious George had fallen down the side of her bed and each time Brooke tried to grab him she would smack her head on the wall. John said that he listened for a few minutes and whenever she would bang her head she would say, "What's that noise?" When she discovered her daddy was watching she was a bit embarrassed. Lol
*In Sunday School yesterday they were supposed to dip their hands in paint to make hand prints on paper. I was informed that my daughter was petrified of paint and that she wouldn't go near it. Seriously, only MY kid! Haha
*We have a very, very large family between my family and John's family. Brooke has to know where each and every single one of them is at all times so our day if filled with, "Where's Aunt Alison? Where's Grammy? Where's Aunt Sarah?" This process is repeated multiple times per person until Brooke really grasps where they are and we have about 30 people who she asks about. We've tried blanket statements like, "Everyone is at home," but of course that doesn't work.
*For some reason Brooke pronounces her "s" as "f." There's a man in our church named "Scott" and Brooke pointed at him and said, "There's Mr. Fott." I've been trying to use his name as an example of how to properly pronounce the "s" sound so I'll say, "Sssssssssss-cott." Brooke now walks around and says, "Sssssssss-Fott!" Hopefully she'll catch on soon!
*During the church worship service yesterday my dad (the pastor) turned out the lights to put on quick missions video. Brooke, loudly and repeatedly, shouted, "Turn the lights on!" I was sitting up at the piano and many members of the congregation were cracking up. She's not distracting or anything, is she?
*Brooke talks about her sister constantly and the other day she said, "I'm going to be a good big sister to Adrienne." She's so excited!
The list could go on and on if I had the time to remember all of the funny stories from the last couple of weeks. Brooke has really grown up a lot lately and she truly amazes me with how smart and observant she is. I love that girl so very much:-) She is most definitely my sunshine!