Monday, October 27, 2008

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I would like to share a classic "Jillian moment" because it's so typical of me. It's quite hilarious to me, but to other characters of the story, I'm not sure how funny it really is. Enjoy....

Today we took Brookie to Barnes and Noble to play in the kids' area. We LOVE going there because it really stimulates Brooke and there are lots of fun things to play with. While we were there a little girl, who I found out was 26-months-old, joined us with her mommy and her older brother. The mom and I got into a conversation so John wandered off to find sometime to read. He came back with 60,000 Baby Names. We were looking for different ways to spell "Adrienne" so we began to flip through the book. John got to the page with all the different variations of our beloved name that we've chosen (IF it's a girl) and he stumbled across the name "Adrianna." He said, "Hey honey, what do you think about Adrianna?" I said, in my less-than-tactful way, "YUCK! That just sounds stupid. It's taking 'Adrienne' one step too far." The mother of the fellow toddler that Brooke was playing with looked over at me and said, "Well that's my daughter's name and WE really love it." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I wanted to hide underarock!!!!! Do things like this happen to the rest of the world... Or just ME?

Minutes later the lady took her two kids to the bathroom. She looked over at me and said, "We'll be right back." However, I took that opportunity to high-tail it out of Barnes and Noble. I even bribed Brooke with a cookie from the Starbucks shop in the front of the store to prevent any opposition from her. I didn't want to confront the lady who I just insulted. Lol! Would you???!?!?!?!?

I got to thinking, though.... I love the name Brooke. John and I thought long and hard about what to name our princess and when we came up with the name, it didn't matter to us what anyone in the universe thought of it. So, similarly, why in the world would this lady care about what I, a totally ignorant stranger, thought of her daughter's name? Let's hope she thinks like me!

The moral of the story is... Think before you speak! Lol! I've always been guilty of saying exactly what I think and not really giving it too much forethought (though I can say that I've gotten better with age). This is ust another example of how I should sometimes bite my tongue and bite it hard!

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