Thursday, October 18, 2007

Breastfeeding Shouldn't Hurt this Bad!

When Brooke was little, she would lay so still and quiet in my arms and nurse until her heart's content. It was a relaxing time for both of us and it MADE me sit there and reflect on how special she was. In those early days of her life I was learning how to balance everything and it was nice to have her constantly reminding me that I needed to slow down. Now, things are just so different. I love breastfeeding and I definitely want to continue at least until Brooke's 1st birthday, but I gotta tell ya, these new teeth of hers are really discouraging me. It seems like they've changed everything.

Lately every feeding as turned into a big ordeal. Brooke bites me constantly while she eats. I'm not talking once or twice here or there... I'm estimating sometimes more than five times in one feeding. I don't know what to do. I've tried scolding her, flicking her cheek, and putting my breast away. I've read up on this and I've asked other breastfeeding moms and nothing seems to be helping this problem. I'm frustrated because it obviously hurts like crazy, but more so because Brooke isn't enjoying nursing. It seems like her feedings end in tears because I "reprimand" her for biting me, and not because she's full and ready to be done.

I don't want to be one of those moms that just gives up breastfeeding for selfish reasons. When we finish nursing I want it to be because Brookie's 100 percent ready to be weaned. I would endure this pain if I thought Brooke was eating enough, but today she nursed only 3 times. She had nothing else to eat today either. I've offered her many, many opportunities to nurse and she has refused most of her chances. Do you think that she's refusing to nurse because I've taught her that she'll get yelled at It's probably my fault:-(

Honestly, I feel so sad right now. I want to go back to breastfeeding being a wonderful thing that my daughter and I share. I'm not ready to throw in the towel. I can take the constant, lingering pain that she leaves from her biting, but I can't take a baby who won't nurse out of fear.


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