I am sitting here in SHOCK over the horrible night I had. I seriously can't even believe what was required of me and I think I just may vomit as I sit here rehashing it.
**Forgive me for the crude details, but they are essential to the story!** So, since this morning our dog has had this stomach issue or something going on. We woke up to him covered in his own droppings (which he never does) and all throughout the day he's been having extremely runny poop. We had errands to run and things to do today so we couldn't stay home and when we came home he was covered again. NASTY! Anyways, John had to work at the county fair tonight from 6:30-10:30 and I had to be at church until about 7:30. When I got home at 8, I feared what I might find. Ya know? I didn't even want to open the door because I knew that something disgusting was most likely waiting in the wings. Unfortunately, as I suspected, it was bad... And ten times worse than it had been all day. The part that really stinks, is that I had to take care of it because John was not home. So, I put on my trusty gloves and bathed the poop covered creature outside with the hose. But no, no, no.... My work had just started. I then had to clean the carpet in the laundry room (where his cage is), sanitize it, vacuum it, and spray air freshener. This process took me AGES (probably 1.5 hours) and it was the most vile thing I've ever done. EVER. I'm pretty sure I would have rather spent the night in jail.
John knows how much I hate things that are gross and how much I don't like the dog so he promised to reward me by taking me on a shopping spree for some new clothes tomorrow. I'm so excited! The truth is, however, that while I DESPISE that dog and his bodily functions, I would have cleaned up his despicable mess regardless of whether I got rewarded or not because I love John.
I had taped all of my favorite shows and was going to watch them tonight while John was at the fair but instead my night was consumed by poop. Wow. And to think, some people find dogs enjoyable. Beats me...
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