Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm Fried!

Thank you girls for your encouragement about our sleeping issues. It's honestly very nice to know that I'm not alone and that your babies struggle in the same areas.

Last night was absolutely horiffic. We got home from church at 7:30 and Brooke either fussed or screamed until about 11:30. She wouldn't eat, she didn't want to be put down, and she really didn't even seem too interested in playing. It was sheer misery. Finally at 11:30 she fell asleep. Silly me decided to put her in her crib. Sure enough, 5 minutes later, she was awake in there and NOT happy. After the long night we had, I just brought her back into our bed and put her back to sleep. From about 11:45 to 12:30, I sat awake feeling so bad about the problems we're having with sleep. I feel like it's ME who caused this by not creating a routine for Brooke. I feel like this whole thing in almost a reflection on the mistakes that I've made in this area. It's draining!

As if our night wasn't bad enough, Brooke, who sleeps through the night for 8-10 hours usually, woke up about 3-4 times. I'm wondering if it could be that she's teething or that she just doesn't feel well? She woke up this morning VERY grumpy and she has continued to be a grump all day, also. She won't nap anywhere but in my arms today either. Hopefully the sleeping issues are somehow linked to some other problem and therefore it will go away when the problem goes away. Wishful thinking, probably.

I almost think that if Brooke sleeps so well next to me then why do I want to change it? I know that while that seems like a rational train of thought, that it is also very good for her to learn to sleep on her own. Afterall, I don't want a toddler in my bed one day.

I sound so depressing in this blog today, don't I? I'm sorry! It's just hot and it's been a really long day with a fussy baby. I'm a HAPPY mommy who LOVES her job and her family. Just some days require major venting!

Thanks again for all of your help girls!


Alison said...

Don't lose heart! You haven't messed her up! You're a fantastic and responsive mother to Brooke. You know my motto - "If she sleeps comfortably/happily/soundly on the roof, so be it" :)

She won't always need you as much as she does now. Soon, she'll be able to entertain and sleep by herself and you'll be wishing she'd take a little snooze in your arms like she used to! They get big so fast!

Hang in there. I hope things turn around for you soon.

*~tRiStYn MiChElLe~* said...

Alison's right...don't get discouraged and definitely don't blame yourself! It's a difficult time but you will get through it. You talk like it's too late and you've messed up but you have to remember, she's only 5 months old!! This is exactly the time to start getting into a good routine it is just difficult for her to learn at first what you are trying to teach her. You are not teaching her "mommy isn't here for you anymore, go to sleep on your own" you just want to teach her HOW to fall asleep on her own. You are a great mom and I know that you will get through this. The fussiness going on right now sounds like teething (esp. the not sleeping well) Hudson cut his first tooth the day he turned 5's definitely possible! Just hang in there..."this too shall pass!"