Saturday, July 14, 2007

Roll 'Em Up

My nephew, Nathan, loves to play Patty Cake. We're always playing it with him in the car when he's angry. He claps along and gets all excited and it's just the cutest thing ever!

However, we have recently discovered that Brooke does NOT like the "roll 'em up" part. Ironically enough, that seems to be Nathan's favorite part thought! HA! Every time we say that, Brooke turns her bottom lip under and screams. At first I thought that it was just coincidental, but I kept saying it to her (I know, I'm cruel) and she broke down every time. It was really pitiful! I just said it to her a few minutes ago to see if she would freak out and I honestly created a huge bout of crying and screaming. She was so upset that I ended up nursing her and putting her to sleep.

Even though it makes Brooke sad, I have to admit that it's a bit funny to see her little lip quiver. I can't figure out why it bothers her so much! My poor little princess. I'm going to stop torturing her and stop saying it. It's only fair to her!

Two couples I know of are getting married today. I keep thinking about them and remembering how amazing my wedding was. I remember my mom waking me up saying, "Come on baby! It's your wedding day." I'll never forget how excited I was to get my hair done and to get all dressed. The best part, by far, was to say my vows in front of so many people and to ultimately be married to the man of my dreams. I don't mean to be sappy, but that's just me for you! Lol! I have such fond memories of my wedding day that I hear songs that we had at our wedding or at our reception and I cry sometimes. I'm a nut case, I confess! Man, what I wouldn't give to be going on my honeymoon tomorrow. That was definitely the icing on the cake!

Well, John's at work now. It's been a dull kind of day. Saturdays are very long when John works. All my housework and laundry is done and Brooke's sleeping, so I'm just hanging out and staring at the clock. It's 3:30, which is when John usually gets home, but he had a BUNCH of stuff happen at work today, which means more paper work, which means he'll be late. Never a good thing for me!

Luckily tonight will be eventful. We're going over to Luke and Alison's for dinner. Al and I are going to then give the babies their bath together, which is something we really enjoy doing.

I hope every one's enjoying their weekend!!


rccalyn said...

She still nurses ALOT but that's not always the same for different kids. some babies wean themselves by 14-15 months. solids are really only for "experimenting" during their whole first year, and even after that they're only supposed to take up about 25% of their nutrition. i offer as much solid food as she'll eat, but i always know she's still getting tons of nutrition from nursing. she sometimes goes 5 hours between nursings, but if we're at home and she can "ask", she asks a lot. i wouldn't ever worry about nursing too much though - at least not until like 2! or if she seems undernourished, but even then I'd doubt that'd be the problem. sorry I wrote so much! good luck with the cereal!

rccalyn said...

oh, i forgot to say that i'm REALLY glad we're still nursing, since she's so picky w/ solid food!

*~tRiStYn MiChElLe~* said...

That's soo funny that she doesn't like that part of the song! I guess you'll just have to stick with the itsy bitsy spider! :0)

I miss my wedding day too...and we'll never do it again! Isn't that bittersweet?!?! See ya tomorrow!