Friday, June 22, 2007

A Cereal Update

The cereal feeding is going absolutely great! I didn't know that Brooke would enjoy it as much as she does. I thought that we would have to shove it down her throat. However, she has totally taken to it. She giggles, smiles, and opens her mouth for more when we feed her. It is absolutely adorable! Even though she loves it, I am not doing more than one feeding per day and I am not going to try any more solids until she is at least 6 months. Her couple of tablespoons of cereal a day is my limit!

The best part of the cereal feedings is that John is loving every second of it. I always save it for him to feed to her because he just thinks it's the greatest thing ever. Lol! I must say that he does a fantastic job with her and the two of them really bond during the process. I just hope his enthusiasm for helping me feed her doesn't wear off soon!

I haven't wanted to say this because I thought that people would think it was in my head.. BUT, the reflux is honestly MUCH better. John noticed it, my sister-in-law noticed it, and my mom even commented that Brooke didn't smell like throw up anymore. We had one incidence of throw up today. ONE! That's amazing for us. That was the only problem we've had all week. Maybe she is just coincidentally growing out of it and the cereal is unnecessarily getting the credit? Who knows! All I know is that she's loving her food and that she's not throwing up, so I am one happy mama! :-)

We had a great night with just the three of us tonight. We first grilled steaks on our grill. Then we went to get ice cream. When we came home, we once again played Super Mario Brothers. John is SO much better at it than me. I kept dying and holding us up. Oh well! Brooke was sleeping so we had quality time together while we played that stupid game. How addicting!

Tonight it John's last night before he has the next two nights off. He gets the whole weekend off. It's crazy! It's not something we're used to, but it's definitely welcomed!

OK, I'm off to pack John's lunch and do so MORE laundry.

1 comment:

*~tRiStYn MiChElLe~* said...

That's so cute that she loves her cereal! I'm not really sure why they are now all of the sudden saying six months because they should tell you that you will know when she's ready. Babies are best at telling you what they are ready for. If she was spitting it out and not really understanding how to keep it in her mouth, ect. I'd say wait a month but it seems like she's doing well! She may just be ready for it. I know that Hudson was surely ready to eat cereal at that age and I know he has not been the least bit affected by having it at 4 months and it is not something I regret. You may find that as well...just be flexible! :0) Good luck with it!