Today was one of John's day off. We had a great time with just the three of us! We are looking to buy a new home here pretty soon, so we love to look up houses and then try to go and find them. Today we went to drive past a house and found ourselves on a beautiful country drive. Then we went to lunch at this little pizza restaurant we came across. We love to be spontaneous and drive wherever the road takes us. It's amazing the things you discover!!
When we got home, John and I played Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo. I was feeding Brooke while I played, so we all packed into our little game room and spent some more time together. When Brooke finished eating, she got VERY grumpy, so that ended our run at trying to rescue the princess in Mario Brothers. I guess she'll have to wait another day! Haha!
Brooke continued to be fussy throughout the rest of the day up until now (It's about 7:30). I can't figure out what's bugging her. John and I both spent a bunch of time trying to make her happy. When I made dinner, John fed her her cereal and when we were done, she continued to fuss. Both John and I are a bit worn out from the constant fussing. It is NOT stereotypical of Brooke, so neither of us really are used to it. She was at the doctor yesterday, so I'm assuming she's not sick. Maybe the shots are still leaving some lingering side affects? Who the heck knows!
I just got done cleaning up dinner dishes and making 30 brownie cupcakes for church tomorrow night. It's been go, go, go, go all day long! Now John's sister, Sarah, who is a great friend of mine, is coming to spend the night with me. John has to go back to work tonight so she, Brooke, and I are having a girl's night with a chick flick and everything:-) I'm very excited!
Well, Sarah just got here. I'm going to be a hostess now! I hope everyone's doing well.
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