Brooke's sleeping schedule is so incredibly messed up right now. It's HORRIBLE. San Diego really did us in, man. It's the absolute pits. It figures that we nailed down our nap and nighttime routines BEFORE we left. Just wonderful.
She fell asleep at 7:30 last night on the way home from church so I put her in her crib. She woke up a half an hour later so I picked her up to nurse her because she didn't eat before bed. Less than 15 minute later she woke up screaming. She's getting some molars so I decided to be forbearing of her and I picked her up. I gave her Ibuprophen and cuddled with her for like 45 minutes to make sure the medicine had time to work, just in case her mouth was bothering her. I put her in her crib a little bit before 10 and she screamed hysterically the second I let her go. An hour later she finally fell asleep and then she woke up at 3 for me to come get her. Before vacation she went right to bed every night without so much as a fuss and now she's playing this game with us all of a sudden. I know that molars are difficult and all, but yesterday she didn't act bothered or grumpy at all so I find it hard to believe that her lack of sleep was 100 percent teething related. I think that her sleeping arrangements in the hotel had her convinced that she could sleep with us from now on. Who knows what goes through her mind!
Naps are even worse right now... When we were in San Diego Brooke just napped on the go while she was in the car or in her stroller. We were so busy that she just rested when she needed to. Today I tried putting her in her crib when she started showing me her sleepy cues and she's been screaming for 25 minutes now. I stood by her crib and rubbed her head and loved her and she was almost asleep. As soon as I walked out she woke right back up and was furious. She's still screaming and I'm going to keep going back in every 10 minutes. She's been happy and silly all day so I highly doubt anything is really bothering her. She's up there yelling, "Mommy, Mommy!" While this is hard I know that the only way I'll get her back on track is by letting her cry for a bit. Nap time is too important to just give in. I'm also a firm believer that if I let her cry for 20 minutes and then give in it's cruel and confusing to her. I definitely don't want to send her mixed signals.
I'm just so frustrated. It's been a long couple of days of adjustment since we've been home. It would be one thing if she would at least sleep through the night but she's still wanting to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. As much as I love her and love nursing her, her nighttime nursing is just not normal. In addition to everything else we have going on, I know that this too is something else that needs to be nipped in the bud.
Do I sound frazzled to you? I'm seriously feeling like I want to rip my hair out. This will pass... I know. Babies go through fazes like this and unfortunately there's not much I can do about it. Does anyone have any advice??? It think I've asked for sleep advice before but it can't hurt to ask again!
1 comment:
I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch. It sounds like she just needs time to get back into the swing of things.
Well you know our story. Unfortunately, it won't be as easy for you since you don't have John to lean on in the night time hours. Maybe try to night wean her on the nights he IS off of work? Maybe he could take an extra night off then just to help seal the deal?
I don't know. We can talk about what I did when we talk next. I love you...hang in there!
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